Saturday, January 5, 2013

One Stop in Indiana then Home Sweet Home

We arrived back home yesterday after driving from Kentucky, through Indiana, and then finally to Chicago.  We had a yummy breakfast at the hotel, and then Bri started out driving.  I was really into this book I was reading and I finally finished it!  Yes, I am able to read in the car and I think it may be one of my more cherished talents.

We stopped for lunch at this great place called Camille's Sidewalk Cafe in Lafayette, Indiana.  They had a ton of great options and everything was yummy.  It was like a Panera where you could order soups, sandwiches and salads.  They even did wraps, breakfast, and pizzas too!  The only problem was that I couldn't read the menu well and I ordered a wrap that ended up having ham in it, not my favorite.

When we arrived at home.  We unpacked, and then Mommy and I went grocery shopping.  I am going back to school Sunday, and I don't have any food there, so I am going to be doing lots of cooking before then so that I have stuff to eat back at school!  Usually, we have lunch and dinner for every school day, but since I have to be back two weeks before the University starts up again, I am not going to be getting lunch and dinner.  So, I have to fend for myself...thank goodness I know a bit about cooking!

For dinner, Bri and I met up with his mom and DC Sarnies, quite the gem in Deerfield, and then we got to see some really good friends later at Portillo's with my family.  It was a nice night and it felt good to catch up with all the people I hadn't had a chance to see yet over break.  Now, I need some sleep before my cooking marathon tomorrow!  It's good to be home :).

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