Monday, February 29, 2016

Marathon Training Monday

Marathon training is really getting into full swing.  On Saturday, we had a taper run, which means that we ran less than the previous two weeks.  It's a nice way to keep running while making sure that your body has time to recover in between build weeks.  This past Saturday was 10 miles.  This is still super long so that is always how I now that I am really into training.

This week is a build week and the mileage is really getting up there.  Today, I ran 5 miles.  Tomorrow is 8 and then on Thursday 5 again.  Then, Saturday is 15!  15 always sounds scary to me because is is the first Saturday run that is longer than a half marathon.  It is an intimidating distance, but when it is done I end up feeling super pumped because I know that I can totally complete a marathon.

This is my third time training for a marathon, but it is the first time that I have continued to do boot camp (strength training).  I was nervous about this because I don't want to hurt myself, but so far I am feeling great and I don't get or stay sore for very long.  So that is awesome!  Also, I am getting faster!  Strength training for the win!

I love my boot camp, but I am also looking into other options to do strength training that helps my running.  If anyone has any ideas, please let me know!

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